
I am a biologist and I hold a PhD in Biological Sciences and an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS applications. I work as a researcher for CONICET and lecturer at Gulich Institute - Argentinian Space Agency (CONAE) in Córdoba, Argentina. My research is focused on uncovering environmental drivers of vector-borne disease outbreaks. I am mostly interested in those environmental features that can be derived by means of satellite image analysis, remote sensing time series and GIS-based techniques.

I am part of the GRASS GIS Development team and I serve as PSC chair since 2021. I am a strong advocate for OSGeo and free and open source software for geo-spatial (FOSS4G). I teach GRASS GIS courses and workshops regularly. Among other things, I have served as Program Committee chair for FOSS4G 2021 and volunteered as a mentor for GRASS GIS in the Google Code-In contest introducing high school students into the Open Source world.

I am temporarily working as a visiting scholar at the Center for Geospatial Analytics (NCSU) within an NSF funded project to bolster and broaden the software ecosystem of GRASS GIS.

  • Remote sensing time series
  • Image analysis
  • GIS
  • SDM
  • Vector-borne diseases
  • Free and Open Source Software
  • PhD in Biological Sciences, 2012

    National University of Río Cuarto

  • MSc in Spatial Applications for Early Warning and Response to Emergencies, 2015

    National University of Córdoba

  • Biologist (5-year course of studies), 2005

    National University of Río Cuarto


Remote sensing
Scientific writing


Associate Researcher
November 2023 – Present Córdoba, Argentina

Responsibilities include:

  • Research and securing funding
  • Supervision of MSc and PhD students
  • Teaching
Assistant Researcher
July 2018 – October 2023 Córdoba, Argentina

Responsibilities include:

  • Research on the environmental drivers of vector-borne diseases
  • Supervision of MSc and PhD students
  • Teaching
Postdoc researcher
July 2016 – June 2018 Enschede, The Netherlands

Responsibilities include:

  • Research in image analysis for Health Geography
  • Supervision of MSc and PhD students


  • Ruta Provincial C45 Km 8, Falda del Cañete, Córdoba 5187
  • Mon to Fri 08:30 to 17:30